Safety Protocols

As part of our normal daily operations, we continue to observe the following safeguards against the spread of disease. Please be reassured we are taking all precautions to protect each other.

  • We ask that you wear a mask to your appointment.

  • All family is requested to wait outside or in their vehicles, and we are calling them once their loved one’s care is complete. One adult escort will be allowed in the office with a minor (patients under 18 years of age).

  • Patients will be will asked some screening questions related to COVID-19 when completing your medical registration forms.

  • If you or your family members have come into contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please call and reschedule your appointment.

  • A hand sanitizer is provided for you upon entering the office.

  • Before endodontic treatment, we will ask our patients to rinse their mouth with hydrogen peroxide and to wash their hands for 20 seconds before they are seated in the treatment room.

  • The reception area is being repeatedly disinfected, and we no longer have magazines or beverages in our reception area.

  • Our endodontic team is wearing the appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) including surgical head caps, surgical masks, gloves, eyewear, and gowns.

  • We are going to minimize our team’s physical contact with patients and families, so we have asked our team members not to shake hands or hug.

  • Although not required, we will be utilizing medical grade purifiers to help purify the air in our office.

Here are the links for the California Department of Health and the CDC: